ImpactAlpha, May 26 — Impact fund managers and investors are looking for new talent. This week’s opportunities:
In New York: Domini Impact Investments has an opening for a senior marketing and communications associate, and AXA IM is on the hunt for a global health investing vice president.
On the West Coast: Elemental Excelerator is hiring a chief of staff and the Alliance for Community Development seeks an executive director in the San Francisco Bay Area… Illumen Capital is hiring a vice president of investor relations in Oakland.
In Canada: FinDev Canada is recruiting an environmental and social risks director in Montreal… TELUS Pollinator Fund for Good is looking for a senior associate and principal in Toronto… Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan seeks a sustainable investing principal for a 16-month contract.Elsewhere:Palladium is hiring a director of financial inclusion in London… Impact-Linked Finance Fund is recruiting a board treasurer and board secretary in the Netherlands… Triple Jumpis hiring a seed capital investment manager in Amsterdam… Root Capital is looking for a gender equity advisor in Indonesia.