ImpactAlpha, May 19 — Impact investors in the US, Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America are hunting for talent, from impact associates to impact fund managers. Just this week:
US East Coast
Calvert Impact seeks an investor relations officer in Maryland… Builders Vision is looking for an impact investing associate in Chicago… Accion Impact Management is hiring an operations fund manager in Washington DC… Upstart Co-Lab is on the hunt for a communications and operations manager.
The Milken Institute is looking for an economic policy associate director and an innovative finance director in Washington, DC… UBS is looking for a head of operations for social impact and philanthropy in New York… Strada Education Foundation has an opening for a strategic investments platform manager in Indianapolis.
US West Coast
Wetherby Asset Management seeks an impact management analyst in San Francisco… Global Partnerships is hiring an investment analysis officer in Seattle… RSF Social Finance is hiring a vice president of investor relations in San Francisco.
In Europe
SDG Capital is on the hunt for an investment manager in Amsterdam… ResponsAbility has an opening for a fund of funds product controller in Zurich… IFU seeks a head of impact ventures in Copenhagen… Social and Sustainable Capital seeks a portfolio manager analyst in London… Also in London, the London School of Economics and Political Science is recruiting an impact investing associate and London Stock Exchange seeks a sustainable finance senior marketing manager.
In Africa
Acumen is recruiting an East Africa-focused senior investment associate in Nairobi… Also in Nairobi, the Rockefeller Foundation is looking for a food initiative team coordinator and the Lutheran World Federation is on the hunt for a development impact bond manager… Investisseurs & Partenaires seeks an investment officer for the Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund, based in Accra… FMO is recruiting an energy senior investment officer focused on East and South Africa.
In Latin America
Global Partnerships is recruiting a Latin America portfolio impact officer in Bogota… The Nature Conservancy is recruiting a bioeconomy specialist in Brazil… Alterna Impact seeks an impact fellow in Guatemala.
In Asia
South Pole has an opening for a sustainable finance managing consultant in Singapore… Also in Singapore, IIX is looking for a credit analyst and MSCI is looking for a senior ESG researcher and vice president.