Beats | June 16, 2017

A one-stop shop for best practices in impact measurement

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The authors of a new report reviewed 257 publications (!) and interviewed 17 firms to put together a guide of current practices in impact due diligence, monitoring and reporting.

Stages of Impact Measurement l Source: So and Staskevicius, “Measuring the ‘Impact’ in Impact Investing,” 2015.

Researchers from the impact management firm, SVT Group, and the Center for Social Impact Learning at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, Calif., took “The Pulse of Impact Management.”

The “one-stop synopsis” offers a take on longstanding debates like, What proof is required to demonstrate impact? The report points to emerging tech solutions to manage impact data, such as iPar. It even attempts to size the market for impact measurement and reporting (preview: it’s complicated).

Says SVT’s Sara Olsen, a co-author: “We’ve reached a milestone in the impact management profession: so many reports are coming out that look at impact measurement and reporting practices that most folks just don’t have time to keep up.”