This week a vote was scheduled then postponed then canceled then scheduled then canceled then postponed…we think. Are you keeping count? We hope so, because this is the Numbers issue of The Brief Quiz, № 24 to be exact.
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1. As of today, how many days are left to meet the deadlines of the Sustainable Development Goals?
a. Ugh, really? Can I google it for you?
b. Less than 5,000 — 4,911 to be specific.
c. 4,912.57 times Pi times Kepler’s constant.
d. This is a dumb question. The deadline is arbitrary and the challenges won’t disappear.
2. If this is the 24th Brief Quiz and the weekly quiz is published weekly (without interruption), then how many weeks have you been taking this damn quiz?
a. Way too long!
b. (24/24)*24 = 24.
c. 24–1 = 23 — it’s one of those fencepost math problems.
d. I’m reserving my answer for my Senate testimony.
3. In 2008, Aavishkar had $20 million assets under management. Today it has $400 million. Where did the time go?
a. Fundraising.
b. Fly envious Time, till thou run out thy race. Call on the lazy leaden-stepping hours… can I have some more of that thing?
c. Reading Brief quizzes.
d. Launching Intellegrow and Intellecash, merging with Intellecap, helping the poor, expanding internationally, winning awards and so on and so forth.
4. Bain Capital raised $390 million for their Double Impact Fund. How does that compare to TPG’s RISE fund, the field’s other new big hitter?
a. Who cares…
b. It’s smaller, but with TWICE AS MUCH IMPACT INSIDE.
c. It’s smaller and bigger, but also similar. Can I have more of that thing?
d. RISE has set a $2 billion target, but it’s unclear how much has been raised.
5. Brazil fintech startup Avante wants to reach one million of the more than 25 million Brazilian microenterprises. What’s that about?
a. The answer is in the question.
b. Proof that we need better stats about Brazil.
c. Proof that what the western world calls the gig economy is actually the only economy for most everyone else.
d. Not sure, must be their business model.
6. What’s the price tag of meeting the SDGs’ health objectives?
a. $371 billion a year (that’s about $58 per human per year).
b. Rising to $425 billion a year after the repeal of Obamacare.
c. We need to repeal and replace the SDGs!
d. Or, you know, just repeal them.
7. What’s the Drawdown book all about?
a. 80 solutions for battling climate change.
b. A 12-step program on climate change (“#1: Admit we are powerless over our carbon addiction”).
c. A retirement planning tool with cool tax tricks.
d. The curtains.
8. What’s ARPA-E?
a. An anagram of Arepa.
b. The moonshot investment arm of the U.S. Department of Energy.
c. The sequel to Wall-E.
d. A 12-step program for climate deniers (#1: “We admit we are powerless without energy”).
9. How many impact deals are currently featured on ImpactSpace?
a. 4,176.
b. 4,194. You just added your portfolio.
c. 41,192. You told all your best friends.
d. Growing too fast to count, now that everybody’s down with #ShareYourData.
Congratulations! You got all the right answers. Maybe. See you next week.
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Answers: 1.b and maybe d, 2. I’m not sure, 3.d, 4. we’re not sure, 5. all answers apply, 6.a, 7.a, 8. a and b, 9. follow this link to find out