The Liist

The Liist is a selection of impact-oriented funds that have recently been in the market raising capital – curated monthly based on public or accessible information. Search this list for funds actively raising capital, or get in front o financial advisors and wealth managers actively deploying capital into impact funds.

Climate & Gender Funds List

Investors are waking up to the outsized impact potential of investing at the intersection of climate action and women’s and girls’ empowerment. Investing with a gender lens can particularly address challenges in climate adaptation and resilience issues. And solving climate-related problems disproportionately benefits women and girls.

Local Economy Funds List

From Philadelphia to San Antonio, Kansas City to Los Angeles, and in cities across the country, community actors are harnessing legal structures and evergreen investment funds to preserve ownership of real estate and fund local businesses in fast-gentrifying neighborhoods.

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Ownership Economy Funds List

A list of funds that deploy capital in the Ownership Economy, including managers in real estate, employee ownership conversions, and more.

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    ImpactSpace tracks investments in solutions to environmental and social challenges. We are the open database for the impact investing market.