Gender Smart | April 10, 2018

Capturing the alpha in gender inclusion

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Say you’re keen on the supposed $28 trillion opportunity in women’s equal participation in the global economy. What do you do? MEDA, the international economic development organization that spun off Sarona Asset Management, has a tool to help investors capture the value of gender inclusion.

  • Up your gender-lens investing game… The Gender Equality Mainstreaming, or GEM, framework assesses gender inclusion within companies.
  • Cross-cutting… The online self-assessment analyzes a company’s inclusion of women across environmental, social and governance criteria. (Other gender-data tools, such as EDGE and WEPs Gender Gap Analysis are less integrated with ESG standards).
  • Outperformance… MEDA analysis of more than 180 portfolio companies found outperformance by companies with above-average female representation.
  • More gender-lens investing coverage… on ImpactAlpha.

The GEM framework, “provides an explicit approach for an investor to incorporate a gender lens into their financial decision-making,” said Criterion Institute’s Joy Anderson.