ImpactAlpha, March 1 – India’s tech-focused impact fund Ankur Capital invested in Krishify, which puts a business-to-business spin on social networks, connecting smallholder farmers, agribusinesses, traders and retailers. Ankur backed the agtech venture’s $6.2 million round alongside Omnivore, Omidyar Network India and Orios Venture Partners.
Ankur also invested in Offgrid Energy Labs, which is developing rechargeable zinc-based batteries for electric vehicles and mini grids.
“It’s a low cost, commonly available, and eco-friendly material which can meet the technical requirements for various applications,” Ankur’s team said of the technology. “Even better, production can happen on the back of existing battery manufacturing infrastructure.”
Shell and APVC also backed the company.
Ankur invested in both deals from its $45 million second fund.