Impact jobs that came across our desk this week:
Upstart Co-Lab is hiring an impact investing coordinator in New York… Toniic seeks a strategic communications director… RSF Social Finance has an opening for a portfolio management senior associate… Intelligent Impact is on the hunt for an operations director…
GSG Impact is hiring a knowledge manager in London… British International Investment is recruiting a financial services development impact executive… Deutsche Bank’s community development finance group is looking for a portfolio analyst in New York…
The Colorado Employee Ownership Office is hiring a program manager in Denver… Mastercard’s Center for Inclusive Growth seeks a vice president of inclusive innovation in New York… Village Capital is looking for a fund manager… Acumen has an opening for a chief of ventures… Accion Venture Lab is on the hunt for an investment officer… GAWA Capital is recruiting a senior investment officer in Madrid.
Closed Loop Partners is hiring a partnerships associate in New York… OFN seeks a senior vice president in Washington, DC, to focus on environmental, climate and green investment programs… Community Investment Management is on the hunt for an investment director and investment analyst… Village Capital is looking for a contract-based investment analyst in Mexico… DeepMind is recruiting a sustainability portfolio lead in London… Finance in Motion has an opening for a renewables investment officer in Frankfurt.