Impact Careers | March 15, 2024

The Week’s Impact Jobs: March 15, 2024

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Impact investors in the US, Europe and the rest of the world are looking to fill newly-vacant positions ahead of a busy spring season.

US Jobs

In Washington, DC: Selby Jennings has an opening for a private equity associate; Opportunity Finance Network is recruiting a climate-focused senior investment officer; World Wildlife Fund seeks an intern; Invest in Our Future is on the hunt for a pair of managing directors; and the IFC has an opening for an environmental and social policy managing director.

The Predistribution Initiative is recruiting a senior associate and an analyst based on the US east coast… Greentown Labs has several US-based openings… Meta is recruiting net-zero strategy managers in Denver, Boston and other US cities.

San Diego-based Mission Driven Finance is hiring an investor relations director, a fund services manager, and a senior director of business development and partnerships… ICA Fund is looking for an investment manager in Oakland.

Remote jobs

Quantified Ventures seeks a climate finance associate director… Mozilla Ventures is looking for an associate.

International locations

In London: The Principles for Responsible Investment is hiring a finance director; VisionFund International seeks a global impact director; and consulting firm APCO Impact is looking for a director for its climate team.

FMO is on the hunt for a sustainable finance officer in The Hague… The European Investment Fund has an opening for an investment analyst in Luxembourg… Latimpacto seeks a country manager in Mexico.

Green Climate Fund is recruiting a chief strategy and impact officer and other roles in South Korea… Temasek is recruiting a sustainability and climate change strategy consultant for a 12-month contract in Singapore… MSCI is recruiting a climate data collection associate and an ESG data operations senior associate in Mumbai.