Beats | March 11, 2017

The tab for Asian infrastructure through 2030: $26 trillion

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The tab for Asian infrastructure through 2030: $26 trillion. And you thought U.S. infrastructure needs were high, as Washington debates a $1 trillion, 10-year infrastructure investment plan.

Click for more from 2030 Finance

Asia needs $1.7 trillion per year through 2030, double the region’s current rate of investment, according to the Asian Development Bank. That’s more than double that bank’s 2009 estimate.

Climate change mitigation costs weren’t included in the bank’s earlier estimate. The bank said $14.7 trillion will be needed for power, $8.4 trillion for transport, $2.3 trillion for telecommunications and $800 billion for water and sanitation.

Across the region, more than 400 million people lack electricity, 300 million don’t have safe drinking water, and about 1.5 billion lack basic sanitation.