ImpactAlpha, June 15 — More than half of the tens of millions Americans with caregiving responsibilities are contemplating leaving their jobs.
Bethesda, Md.-based Keep Company matches employees with a caregiving coach that guides them through a 12-week curriculum. Adrienne Prentice, a former corporate attorney, launched the company last year with co-founder Claudia Naim-Burt. After giving birth, Prentice says she “didn’t feel as if I was being perceived as capable or committed to my role now that I had a child at home.”
Keep Company’s clients include law firms including Morrison Foerster and Cleary Gottlieb.
Impact tech
Keep Company plans to extend its services to health care employees that work long shifts, such as clinicians and nurses. The women-led company will also launch digital support groups to create a community of parents and caregivers.
Maryland Technology Development Corp., a placed-based social impact fund backing early-stage tech and life sciences companies in Maryland, invested $200,000 in the round.
Last month, New York-based Wellthy raised $25.5 million to provide caregiving support as an employee benefit.