Inclusive Economy | September 7, 2017

How Kenya, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, South Africa and Uganda are driving financial inclusion

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National policymakers are recognizing the small and big benefits of more people having access to and using finance services such as mobile money, credit and insurance.

Financial inclusion boosts local economic activity, gives customers the tools to plan for the future and boosts household welfare.

National-level commitments to financial inclusion landed the six countries at the top of a list of 26 countries ranked by the Brookings Institution. Bringing more people into the financial fold could boost emerging market economies by $3.7 trillion by 2025, according to McKinsey Global Institute.

Investors also see an opportunity. Funding of fintech startups has topped $40 billion (compound annual growth of 41%) over the last four years. Cybersecurity and consumer protection issues are key to maintaining and building confidence, according to Brooking’s Financial and Digital Inclusion Project.