With the economy in recession and the government in turmoil, Brazilian investors could be feeling glum.
But Fernando Scodro of Grupo Baoba, the third-generation of a wealthy Brazilian baking family, says there’s growing excitement about impact investment opportunities to restore the environment and improve access to vital services for low-income Brazilians.
ImpactAlpha’s David Bank interviewed Scodro, who next week is launching the Brazilian chapter of The ImPact, a network of wealthy families that have come together to make more impact investments, more effectively.
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Scodro left a career in finance to return to Brazil and manage his family’s investments. His family was intrigued by his plans to turn the family fortune toward impact. but asked, “How do you intend to do it?” In addition to crafting plans for each asset class, Scodro took a turn in operations with TecVolt, an energy services company to help big agricultural operations reduce their use of energy and water.
“When families start saying, I will invest according to my values, that’s something you can hold them accountable to,” Scodro says in the podcast. “If everything goes well and everybody does what they say they are going to do, then we can get out of the mess.”
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