Africa | March 22, 2017

Ziweto moves to consolidate Malawi’s (tiny) livestock veterinary market

The team at


Ziweto, a small chain of livestock veterinary stores in Malawi, is expanding via acquisition of a competitor, Alfa Medics.

The acquisition is being funded with $50,000 from Aviary, part of Seattle investor Luni Libes’ Fledge network of funds, and other investors.

Most Malawians live in rural areas and depend on subsistence and small-scale agriculture.

Ziweto, which launched in 2014 and went through the Fledge accelerator program last year, is the first livestock veterinary service to cater to rural areas.

The acquisition will enable Ziweto to turn a profit.

This post originally appeared in ImpactAlpha’s daily newsletter. Get The Brief.

Photo credit: SEED