The Bolsheviks stormed St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace in 1917. A century later, a revolution seems to be coming to Wall Street.
Listen to ImpactAlpha’s Returns on Investment podcast: Revolution!?
It’s not just Bernie Sanders, who is calling for a political revolution to overthrow the “rigged economy.” No less an establishment figure than Sir Ronald Cohen, known as the father of British venture capital has been making the rounds calling impact investing a revolution in the financial markets, “disrupting business, philanthropy, government and civil society as we know it.”
In this episode of the Returns on Investment podcast, Imogen Rose-Smith of Institutional Investor magazine, Brian Walsh of Liquidnet and David Bank of ImpactAlpha debate the state of the impact revolution.
Is the revolution going to overthrow Wall Street? Or co-opt it? Or be co-opted by it?
The revolution may not be televised, but it will be podcast. Have a listen.