Agents of Impact | March 20, 2020

You, yes, all of you

The team at


ImpactAlpha, March 20As the world reels, you are stepping up in so many ways. Social distancing is becoming social responsibility… is becoming mutual aid… is becoming community resilience… is becoming inclusive recovery is becoming… sustainable, healthy prosperity. Or at least pointing the way.

The fabric of that narrative is you and your friends and family, your companies and communities, your institutions and countries. Now that we are overcoming one overwhelming global challenge together, we can overcome other overwhelming global challenges together.

Agents of Impact (that’s you!) will help us get through this crisis with resilience and grace. And you will seize the opportunity for systemic change to drive climate action, social equity and sustainable, inclusive development. We need effective government, yes, now more than ever. But, with or without such leadership, you are key to meeting the challenges.

So this week, you are ImpactAlpha’s Agent of Impact. Yes, you. We are in this together.